The famousscientistIsaac Levitats in workdedicated tothe Jewish communityinRussia(1772-1917),offersthe readeran impartialpicture -notthe nostalgicmemoriesof the lostparadise ofa small-town, buta coherentcomposition, built on thesources-in thebasic texts ofthe booksof communitiesand community-basedfraternities, includingauthenticand,as has been proved by researcher, a documentsfromthe infamous"Book ofkahal" byY.Brafman.
Far from thedesire to show Jews only as victimsof persecutionand oppression, the researcherwas able torestore thesophisticated atmosphereprevailedwithin the Jewishcommunityrelationsand show thesocial mechanismsthat allowit to maintaincultural identity andat the same timebecome an integral partof the world.