Chitas. Chapter Bemidbar

Chitas. Chapter Bemidbar

Chitas. Chapter Naso

Chitas. Chapter Naso

Chitas. Chapter Matot-Masyei

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Daily study of HiTaT (head of the Pentateuch with commentaries of Rashi, the passage of the book "Tehillim" (Psalms) and the book "Tanya») • one of the most important customs of Jews around the world. This study brings the Jews to the material and spiritual well-being, protects them from all dangers, and also brings the arrival of Moshiach. In it we find a hint in the Torah: "And the fear (HiTaT) of Gd in the cities and did not pursue the sons of Jacob." The availability of Hitachi in the machine ensures the safety of the road.

The custom of every day has been established to study the Hitachi Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, and to date, distributed to all Jews living in different corners of the globe.
More Information
Shelf A0102
Weight 0.290000
Publisher Shiurey Torah Lubavitch
Height (CM) 21
Length (CM) 15
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