River, Kettle and Bird

River, Kettle and Bird

Family Law

Family Law

Notes of mikva-lady

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Stories about a role of the woman amaze reflections of the author the everyday truth, testify to unshakable aspiration to convince of necessity of strict observance Judaic precepts about moral and hygienic cleanliness of the Jewish family, about a mikva, about a role and a place of the woman in family and a society.

While living in America, Adina significantly deepened his knowledge in this area and has written a book for women - a memoir of the soul.

Captivating sincerity in presenting the material . This is a true story about a consistent transformation of ideological and religious views Adina Moshe Esef , and about what happened to her. After all, the former home we were often far removed from their roots . It was only referring to the country's history , culture and art , having the opportunity to talk openly about it, we realized how these sources of road and priceless.

Stories and reflections of the author on the role of women hit their worldly truth , show unwavering desire to convince of the need for strict observance of the Jewish commandments of the moral and hygienic purity of a Jewish family of the mikvah , the role and place of women in the family and society.

I think that the book will be of interest for women and girls living in the strict moral and religious spirit. In terms of America is very important. That is why the Congress of Bukharan Jews of the United States and Canada decided to publish a book of Adina Moshe Esef . Hopefully , she will find followers , and soon we will see new books written by our women .

Boris Kandy
President of the Congress of Bukharan Jews
U.S. and Canada


from the Publisher
The sacrament of the hearth
from the author


The Road to Happiness
Faith and fear
Rochel Khanum


My life in Uzbekistan before emigrating
Hanukkah in Tashkent
In the Bukharian Jewish center in Tashkent
New friends from Israel
" Oh, what kind of people ! "
new changes
In America


The Guest
sister Kelin


Dedicate this book to my unforgettable ancestors.
Let the blessed memory of them!

I was born in the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. When dating I often do not even have to call his name - suffice to say that "Man duhtari Gulchekhra Islands Neeson, Naver Baluri Nagora meshum ." And every Bukharan Jew , whether he is from Samarkand and Dushanbe from Payshambe or Hatyrchi , Katta - Kurgan , or from some other cities of Central Asia , immediately recognize the names of my parents. These words are enough to make many of them remembered my grandparents , they were mitsvodust - wonderful people.

My father's father - my grandfather Rahmin bin Beating was the son of Mul -lo ben Hayyim Payshambegi Oikonomou . But the father of my grandfather was a very well respected by all . He served in the Iranian synagogue and taught the children the Torah and Jewish traditions . Beating mother was a housewife. The family had seven children : four sons and three daughters. And at the very grandfather had 12 children - six from his first wife and 6 of the second . His first wife - my grandmother Hevsi baht mazol died at age 42 years during the war of 1941-1945 . My grandfather worked as a shoemaker . Never until his death did not part with Sidur and the Torah. These books are strongly yellowed , for it was vital blessing , without which he could not imagine herself . He was very humble and always smiling . He was treated with respect.

My mother is also very famous parents . Onashka - Baluri Nagora bat Adina . Her father's name was Nisimi Nagora it contained a synagogue. He worked as a tailor and sewed children's clothes . He took it for cheap - but all bought up very quickly. Onashkina mother gave birth to 18 children of Adin , of which there live three daughters and a son. The rest died of various epidemics that time.

Onashka married Shlomo ben mazol , who worked as a shoemaker , was a cheerful and friendly. Her mother in law was married to a wealthy merchant , and at age 19 became a widow with a son in his arms and never married . Her husband was 63 years old when he died . Such was the difference in years. It was the mother-in pseudonyms mazol Koshchin for what she was most famous koshchin at the time and was very popular among women. These skills are passed from generation to generation , which I myself have learned from my mother . And the only son mazol Koshchin married three daughters and two sons . He himself was killed in action in 1944.

Onashku knew as a teacher in the Torah . She gave a cash reward to children that they will only be attached to the knowledge of the Torah. She translated the book , the siddur , Haggadah Shel Pesach, or rather , record them in the Bukharian Jewish literatsii that we - children and grandchildren , who could not read Hebrew , were able to hold their Shabi Passover and other customs. Never parted with their prayer books . Already at 5-6 o'clock in the morning , waking up before everyone else, she read the morning prayers . She was treated with great respect neighbors and acquaintances , friends and relatives . Not without evil tongues . Once one of the envious denounced to the police that she spends with the children Torah lessons . And when she was questioned , she replied that anything bad children are not taught . "I teach them to love and respect their parents , elders , do not cheat and do not steal, be good people . What 's wrong with that ? " With that said, let her go home.

Among other things, she was able to brush the eyebrows , sew, knit , play doira , sing and entertain . Very often, she was invited into the circle of women where it is well spent any event. She was able to play a lot of instruments . And always tell us who studied at the school and worn pioneer tie : " Never believe that there is no Gd : He is, was and will be! And all that is going on - it's only temporary . You will see this. Soon the time will come . Gd sees and hears everything . He is everywhere . Fear God and be blessed ! " The words I remember very . And she convinced of this .

July 2007



More Information
Shelf Barrie
Weight 0.500000
Author Moshe-Esef, Adina
Height (CM) 25
Length (CM) 18
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